2090: VR Experience

  • IDEA

    For this project, I wanted to push the limits of Virtual Reality headset in such a way that is not done before. I wanted to create an experience that is high fidelity instead of stylized look to see if VR can handle the streaming of 4k resolution.


    Problem I was facing was that Lumen and Nanite in Unreal engine wasn’t supported officially for VR projects yet, so it was difficult to make it work and frame rate dropping was another thing to tackle.

  • Final result

    As a result, I was able to create a VR experience that runs smoothly at 120 fps (tethered) using 4k textures and 3D assets using Quixel Megascan and Unreal Engine 4.27.



First, I started gathering moodboard for my experience.


Narrative behind this experience is that it is set in year 3017, when nature is at high extinction point and humans are not aloud to step outside due to high toxic level in oxygen. Therefore, people can go to this Virtual Reality Experience Booth where they can experience high fidelity replica of real nature.

For beginning of my experience, I started modelling futuristic booth using Autodesk Maya where users start their journey before going to nature environment.

On the other side, I started basic layout of the nature environment and collected list of potential assets from Quixel Megascan Library. The texture resolution of all the assets was 4k to test out VR hardware performance capabilities.

On the other side, I started basic layout of the nature environment and collected list of potential assets from Quixel Megascan Library. The texture resolution of all the assets was 4k to test out VR hardware performance capabilities.


  • Detail Lighting

  • Wireframe

  • LOD Coloration

  • Reflections